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Cattedra Enrico Luzzati In Cooperazione e Sviluppo (non attivo)
- Oggetto:
Enrico Luzzati chair in cooperation and development
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Anno accademico 2022/2023
- Codice dell'attività didattica
- SCP0415
- Corso di studi
- Laurea magistrale in Cooperazione, Sviluppo e Innovazione nell'Economia Globale - a Torino [0401M21]
- Anno
- 1° anno
- Tipologia
- Affine o integrativo
- Crediti/Valenza
- 9
- SSD dell'attività didattica
- SECS-P/02 - politica economica
- Modalità di erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Inglese
- Modalità di frequenza
- Obbligatoria/Compulsory
- Tipologia d'esame
- Scritto
- Prerequisiti
Familiarità con tecniche quantitative e con gli strumenti di analisi micro economici.
Familiarity with quantitative methods and with the analytical tools of microeconomics.
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Sommario insegnamento
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Obiettivi formativi
Mettere in pratica i concetti teorici di economia e cooperazione allo sviluppo attraverso l'apprendimento di tecniche quantitative e sperimentali di valutazione dei progetti di sviluppo.
Practicing the multifaceted concepts studied at a theoretical level during the courses of development and cooperation. After a short introduction on how to create a research project, the focus will be on the quantitative and experimental tools for the evaluation of development project.
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Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
Buona padronanza degli strumenti quantitativi e teorici per l'analisi delle dinamiche dello sviluppo e della cooperazione allo sviluppo.
Good knowledge of quantitative and theoretical tools for the analysis of the dynamics of development and cooperation in developing countries.
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Modalità di insegnamento
Lezioni frontali
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Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Esame a risposta multipla su parte del programma del dott. Conzo.
Multiple choice exam for dr. Conzo's programme.
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Microfinance & Development (3 cfu, 18h)
First part: Why lending to the poor?•Financial exclusion and microfinance in developing countries•Credit market failures•How microfinance mitigates market failuresSecond part: Does microfinance really work?
•Quantitative methods for impact evaluations•The impacts of microfinance•Case studiesSpecial guest: Margherita Calderone will give 2 lectures on "savings and development".
I restanti 6 cfu (36h) sono da definire con il docente - esperto della materia - invitato dall'estero per le lezioni.
Module: Development approaches and practices (6 cr.)
Paola Minoia, University of Helsinki
Enrico Luzzati Chair in Cooperation and Development
Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
Academic year 2016-2017
Course goals
This course gives an introduction to the history, theory and practice of development and international cooperation. Development studies tackle complex issues and cannot be confined within a single discipline; this module will also interact with various scholarly debates from human geography, political sciences, social and cultural studies, political ecology and indigenous studies, and has participatory approaches and civil society empowerment as ultimate emancipatory goals.
More specific aims of the course are:
a) to allow students understanding international debates in the field of development (particularly in the Global South) and international cooperation (between North and South as well as within the Global South);
b) to recognize different actors in cooperation, their priorities and discourses;
c) to develop critical views about theories, policies and practices that are reflected in cooperation; d) to acquire familiarity with journals, institutions and researches in this field;
d) to familiarize with some programmes of aid (funded by e.g. Italy or Europe) and worldwide in development and international policy fields;
e) to grow interest in doing research in the global South and to interact with various groups; and
f) to experience participatory research methods and project design for either research or development action, with specific thematic focus.
The language of the course is English.
Participation in the module requires attendance in the lectures, activity in class, reading of articles from international literature, writing of reports and projects.
Lectures programme:
see the syllabus in the materials
Microfinance & Development (3 cfu, 18h)
First part: Why lending to the poor?•Financial exclusion and microfinance in developing countries•Credit market failures•How microfinance mitigates market failuresSecond part: Does microfinance really work?
•Quantitative methods for impact evaluations•The impacts of microfinance•Case studiesSpecial guest: Margherita Calderone will give 2 lectures on "savings and development".
The remaining 6 cfu (36h) will be defined with the professor - expert of the topic - who is being invited from abroad.
Module: Development approaches and practices (6 cr.)
Paola Minoia, University of Helsinki
Enrico Luzzati Chair in Cooperation and Development
Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
Academic year 2016-2017
Course goals
This course gives an introduction to the history, theory and practice of development and international cooperation. Development studies tackle complex issues and cannot be confined within a single discipline; this module will also interact with various scholarly debates from human geography, political sciences, social and cultural studies, political ecology and indigenous studies, and has participatory approaches and civil society empowerment as ultimate emancipatory goals.
More specific aims of the course are:
a) to allow students understanding international debates in the field of development (particularly in the Global South) and international cooperation (between North and South as well as within the Global South);
b) to recognize different actors in cooperation, their priorities and discourses;
c) to develop critical views about theories, policies and practices that are reflected in cooperation; d) to acquire familiarity with journals, institutions and researches in this field;
d) to familiarize with some programmes of aid (funded by e.g. Italy or Europe) and worldwide in development and international policy fields;
e) to grow interest in doing research in the global South and to interact with various groups; and
f) to experience participatory research methods and project design for either research or development action, with specific thematic focus.
The language of the course is English.
Participation in the module requires attendance in the lectures, activity in class, reading of articles from international literature, writing of reports and projects.
Lectures programme:
see the syllabus in the materials
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
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Testi di riferimento (alla fine di ogni lezione saranno comunicati i capitoli da studiare):
- Armendáriz, B., & Morduch, J. (2010). The Economics of Microfinance. MIT Press.
- Banerjee, A. V, & Duflo, E. (2012). Poor Economics: Barefoot Hedge-fund Managers, DIY Doctors and the Surprising Truth about Life on Less Than 1 Dollar a Day. Penguin Books.
- Ray, D. (1998). Development Economics. Princeton University Press.
Main references (at the end of each class the instructor will communicate which chapters of the following books need to be studied):
- Armendáriz, B., & Morduch, J. (2010). The Economics of Microfinance. MIT Press.
- Banerjee, A. V, & Duflo, E. (2012). Poor Economics: Barefoot Hedge-fund Managers, DIY Doctors and the Surprising Truth about Life on Less Than 1 Dollar a Day. Penguin Books.
- Ray, D. (1998). Development Economics. Princeton University Press.
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Orario Lezioni
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Altre informazioni
http://www.didattica-est.unito.it/do/home.pl/View?doc=home_appelli.html- Oggetto: