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- Oggetto:
Cattedra Enrico Luzzati In Cooperazione E Sviluppo
- Oggetto:
Enrico luzzati chair in cooperation and development
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Anno accademico 2014/2015
- Codice dell'attività didattica
- SCP0415
- Docenti
- Aldo Geuna (Titolare del corso)
Dott. Pierluigi Conzo (Titolare del corso) - Corso di studi
- Laurea magistrale in Cooperazione, Sviluppo e Innovazione nell'Economia Globale - a Torino
- Anno
- 1° anno
- Tipologia
- Affine o integrativo
- Crediti/Valenza
- 9
- SSD dell'attività didattica
- SECS-P/02 - politica economica
- Modalità di erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Inglese
- Modalità di frequenza
- Fortemente consigliata/Recommended
- Tipologia d'esame
- Scritto
- Prerequisiti
Familiarità con tecniche quantitative e con gli strumenti di analisi micro economici.
Familiarity with quantitative methods and with the analytical tools of microeconomics.
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Sommario insegnamento
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Obiettivi formativi
Mettere in pratica i concetti teorici di economia e cooperazione allo sviluppo attraverso l'apprendimento di tecniche quantitative e sperimentali di valutazione dei progetti di sviluppo.
Practicing the multifaceted concepts studied at a theoretical level during the courses of development and cooperation. After a short introduction on how to create a research project, the focus will be on the quantitative and experimental tools for the evaluation of development project.
- Oggetto:
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
Buona padronanza degli strumenti quantitativi e teorici per l'analisi delle dinamiche dello sviluppo e della cooperazione allo sviluppo.
Good knowledge of quantitative and theoretical tools for the analysis of the dynamics of development and cooperation in developing countries.
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Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Stesura relazione-paese per il programma del prof. M. Cimoli
Esame a rispsota multipla su parte del programma del dott. Conzo.
Country report for prof. Cimoli's programme; Multiple choice exam for dr. Conzo's programme.
Stesura relazione-paese per il programma del prof. M. Cimoli Esame a rispsota multipla su parte del programma del dott. Conzo.Country report for prof. Cimoli's programme; Multiple choice exam for dr. Conzo's programme.- Oggetto:
Structural determinants of economic development and growth (7 cfu, 42h)
Part I: Classical ideas
- Historical paths
- Market size and externalities
- Unlimited labour and dualism
- Industry and technology
- Trade and specialization
Part II: Recovering classical ideas: the North-South models
- Convergence vs. divergence
-Preconditions for Macroeconomic Stability
Part III: A introductory map to microfoundation and demand-led growth
- Heterogeneity, institutions and technology
- Cumulative causation and evolutionary dynamics
- Surveys
Microfinance & Development (2 cfu, 12h)
First part: Why lending to the poor?•Financial exclusion and microfinance in developing countries•Credit market failures•How microfinance mitigates market failuresWhen? 12-14 November (Wed, 8-10 am and Thur/Fri 2-4pm)
Second part: Does microfinance really work?•Quantitative methods for impact evaluations•The impacts of microfinance•Case studies (Argentina, Sri Lanka, etc.)When? 3-5 December (Wed, 8-10 am and Thur/Fri 2-4pm)
Structural determinants of economic development and growth (7 cfu, 42h)
Part I: Classical ideas
- Historical paths
- Market size and externalities
- Unlimited labour and dualism
- Industry and technology
- Trade and specialization
Part II: Recovering classical ideas: the North-South models
- Convergence vs. divergence
-Preconditions for Macroeconomic Stability
Part III: A introductory map to microfoundation and demand-led growth
- Heterogeneity, institutions and technology
- Cumulative causation and evolutionary dynamics
- Surveys
Microfinance & Development (2 cfu, 12h)
First part: Why lending to the poor?•Financial exclusion and microfinance in developing countries•Credit market failures•How microfinance mitigates market failuresWhen? 12-14 November (Wed, 8-10 am and Thur/Fri 2-4pm)
Second part: Does microfinance really work?•Quantitative methods for impact evaluations•The impacts of microfinance•Case studies (Argentina, Sri Lanka, etc.)When? 3-5 December (Wed, 8-10 am and Thur/Fri 2-4pm)
Structural determinants of economic development and growth (7 cfu, 42h)
Part I: Classical ideas
- Historical paths
- Market size and externalities
- Unlimited labour and dualism
- Industry and technology
- Trade and specialization
Part II: Recovering classical ideas: the North-South models
- Convergence vs. divergence
-Preconditions for Macroeconomic Stability
Part III: A introductory map to microfoundation and demand-led growth
- Heterogeneity, institutions and technology
- Cumulative causation and evolutionary dynamics
- Surveys
Microfinance & Development (2 cfu, 12h)
First part: Why lending to the poor?•Financial exclusion and microfinance in developing countries•Credit market failures•How microfinance mitigates market failuresWhen? 12-14 November (Wed, 8-10 am and Thur/Fri 2-4pm)
Second part: Does microfinance really work?•Quantitative methods for impact evaluations•The impacts of microfinance•Case studies (Argentina, Sri Lanka, etc.)When? 3-5 December (Wed, 8-10 am and Thur/Fri 2-4pm)
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
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Vedi materiale allegato
See course materials- Oggetto:
Orario Lezioni
Si raccomanda agl studenti del corso di seguire il pre-corso di "Introduzione all'Economia". Gli orari sono riportati al seguente link:
Students are strongly encouraged to attend the pre-course "introduction to economics":http://www.didattica-est.unito.it/do/avvisi.pl/Show?_id=s3or
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Altre informazioni
http://www.didattica-est.unito.it/do/home.pl/View?doc=home_appelli.html- Oggetto: