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L'Università di Torino ha rinnovato il servizio di tutorato matricole, dedicato agli studenti e alle studentesse del primo anno.
I/le tutor sono studenti e studentesse iscritti/e al loro ultimo anno, che offrono aiuto alle matricole nel loro percorso di studi universitario mettendo a disposizione la propria esperienza e le proprie competenze: sono un riferimento nel corso dell'intero anno accademico.

Il ruolo dei/delle tutor è quello di accompagnare gli studenti e le studentesse nella fase iniziale del loro cammino universitario, non solo sulle questioni amministrative o sugli adempimenti, ma anche fornendo consigli utili basati sulla propria esperienza universitaria.

I/le tutor forniscono ascolto, informazioni e supporto su:

  • Organizzazione didattica, orari delle lezioni, sedi, laboratori, aule studio
  • Tasse e richiesta ISEE universitario
  • Scadenze amministrative
  • TARM
  • Compilazione del piano carriera e valutazione dei corsi (Edumeter)
  • Utilizzo delle piattaforme web dell'Università e i canali per tenersi informati
  • Erasmus e mobilità internazionale
  • Borse di studio, contratti di collaborazione, tirocini curriculari
  • Comunicazione con docenti e segreterie
  • Opportunità di associazionismo e attività culturali e sportive per studenti e studentesse

Per avere tutte le informazioni, scarica la brochure.

Tutor matricole

Giorgia Colucci

Soumia Jebnaoui



University of Torino has renewed the tutoring service for first-year students.
Tutors are last year students, who help new students in their University studies. Tutoring is useful to make
them more aware of the commitments, foreseen by the educational path, and to support a profitable
courses attendance.

Tutors listen, share experience, knowledge and skills acquired over the years to understand the problems
and difficulties that first-year students can meet during their studies. They help them to find the best
solution for any situation.

Tutors help first-year students to find useful information for choosing and prepare exams. Moreover, they
are also available to give advice on the best way to attend the university study course, on exams
preparation and on finding a suitable study method.

Tutors help find information on several areas, for example in:

  • Teaching organization
  • Timetables
  • Offices, laboratories, study rooms and university facilities
  • Tuition fees, University ISEE and other types of taxes
  • Administrative deadlines, in order to avoid delays and fines
  • Filling in the career plan, in order to avoid mistakes while choosing the exams
  • Communication with teachers and students registry offices
  • Evaluation of the courses (Edumeter) to take exams without problems
  • Using the University platforms and online channels to keep up-to-date
  • Erasmus and international mobility opportunities
  • Study grants in Italy and abroad, right to study opportunities (study grants, collaboration contracts),
    practical training and, more generally, what helps students to combine the first work experiences
    with the studies
  • Cultural and sport opportunities for students
  • Student associations.

You can contact your tutors:

Giorgia Colucci
Soumia Jebnaoui

- by e-mail

- on a meeting on Webex in this room


More details for international students are available on the English brochure.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/04/2024 14:23
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