- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Anno accademico 2024/2025
- Codice attività didattica
- ECM0263
- Corso di studio
- Laurea magistrale in Metodi statistici ed economici per le decisioni - a Torino [0402M21]
- Anno
- 1° anno, 2° anno
- Periodo
- Secondo semestre
- Tipologia
- Altre attività
- Crediti/Valenza
- 3
- SSD attività didattica
- SECS-P/05 - econometria
- Erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua
- Inglese
- Frequenza
- Fortemente consigliata/Recommended
- Tipologia esame
- Prova pratica
- Tipologia unità didattica
- corso
- Prerequisiti
- Le studentesse e gli studenti devono aver frequentato (e possibilmente superato) l’insegnamento di “Econometria” e di “Probabilità e inferenza statistica” del primo anno. In particolare, si segnala la necessità di ripassare in autonomia i seguenti temi: modello di regressione lineare e relativa interpretazione dei parametri, proprietà degli stimatori OLS e loro derivazione, quantili di una distribuzione, intervalli di confidenza, test d’ipotesi su un singolo parametro e su più parametri congiuntamente.
Students must have attended (and possibly passed) the "Econometrics" and "Probability and statistical inference" courses (SEED first year). In particular, it is necessary to independently review the following topics: linear regression model and relative interpretation of the parameters, properties of the OLS estimators and their derivation, quantiles of a distribution, confidence intervals, tests of hypothesis on a single parameter and on several parameters jointly.
- Oggetto:
Sommario insegnamento
- Oggetto:
Obiettivi formativi
The main objective of the Lab is to provide knowledge, tools to implement in R and correctly interpret quantile regressions and main tools aimed at studying social inequalities. In particular, the Lab aims, in line with the educational objectives of SEED, to:
- provide students with theoretical and applicative knowledge about the main tools for the study of social inequalities and quantile regression;
- develop the ability to select the application contexts in which it is more appropriate to resort to the use of a quantile regression in relation to the type of research question to be pursued;
- develop the ability to interpret different indicators for the study of social inequalities.
- Oggetto:
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course and consistently with the educational objectives set out above, the student must:
- know the main indicators of inequality and quantile regression;
- be able to apply the theoretical tools presented, selecting them appropriately based on the type of data available;
- be able to use the scientific terminology associated with the theoretical concepts exposed;
- be able to read and disclose (in written and oral form) the results relating to the use of quantile regressions and inequality indicators;
- present live (in person or virtually) the results of the above analyzes, starting from a research question consistent with the Lab topics.
- Oggetto:
- The measures of income inequality: theory and applications in R
- Indices of income poverty: theory and applications in R
- Quantile regression: theory and applications in R
- Oggetto:
Modalità di insegnamento
The laboratory has a limited number and attendance is compulsory. 30 students regularly enrolled in the current second year of the Master's Degree Course in Statistical and Economic Methods for Decisions are admitted to attend it.
The application for admission consists in registering on the teaching page on the CampusNet platform by January 29, 2022. Admission will take place according to the order of registration to the Lab on the CampusNet platform. Priority will be given to those who are regularly enrolled in the current second year.
The list of admitted students will be published as soon as it is available (and in any case no later than 5 February 2022) in the "Notices" section of the teaching page on the CampusNet platform.
The teaching is structured in 18 hours of teaching (3 CFU), divided into 2-hour lessons based on the academic calendar. The teaching, which consists of theoretical and practical lessons based on empirical applications in R, is delivered in person (and simultaneously in live streaming).The teaching materials will be available on the teaching Moodle page.
The lessons will be held monday, thuesday and friday march 2023 at 12-14 in presence (LAB. - Thin Client - Campus Luigi Einaudi).
- Oggetto:
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Students, divided into small groups, will have to carry out a group work and homework whose theme must be agreed with the teacher. Groups must deliver a report to the teacher before the summer exam session of the degree course.
Each group will present the work to the teacher of the course and to the other groups in a single day during the summer exam session of the course. The presentation of the work will take place in person and in live streaming.- Oggetto:
Attività di supporto
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
- Oggetto:
- Altro
- Titolo:
- Material and R codes provided by the teacher
- Obbligatorio:
- Si
- Oggetto:
- Davino, C., Furno, M., & Vistocco, D. (2013). Quantile regression: theory and applications (Vol. 988). John Wiley & Sons.
- Chakravarty, S. R. (2009). Inequality, polarization and poverty. Advances in distributional analysis. New York.
- Oggetto:
Per motivi didattici, il Laboratorio è riservato a coloro che sono regolarmente iscritti al II anno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Metodi Statistici ed Economici per le Decisioni.
Per coloro che sono iscritti ad altri Corsi di Laurea Magistrale o Dottorati ed hanno i pre-requisiti richiesti per frequentare il Laboratorio devono contattare via email il/la docente.Students with (learning) disabilities are invited to promptly contact the "Students with disabilities" office ufficio.disabili@unito.it to be properly taken care of. Subsequently they are invited to contact the teacher, always including in the communications the "Students with disabilities" office.
For the privacy protection, students with (learning) disabilities are invited NOT to send medical documents certifying disability to the teacher for any reason.
Students with (learning) disabilities can apply to take exams with the support of compensatory tools and / or dispensatory measures by consulting the following page: Students with (learning) disabilities and filling this form.
Requests for compensatory instruments and / or dispensatory measures for the exam must reach the teacher no later than 30 days from the date of the exam.
The teacher replies to students' e-mails only if they come from UniTo e-mail addresses. The teacher does not reply to unsigned e-mails and / or requesting information already published on the department website, on the course sheet and / or on the Moodle page.
The office hour of Prof.ssa Nava will be provided online on her webex page (https://unito.webex.com/meet/consuelorubina.nava) by reservation on Thursday from 13:15 to 14:15.
In relation to the evolution of the health situation, based on the indications of the University, the methods of the examination as well as the provision of teaching may vary.- Registrazione
- Aperta
- Oggetto: