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Decision theory


Decision theory


Anno accademico 2024/2025

Codice attività didattica
Gianna Lotito (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studio
Laurea magistrale in Metodi statistici ed economici per le decisioni - a Torino [0402M21]
1° anno
Secondo semestre
Affine o integrativo
SSD attività didattica
SECS-P/01 - economia politica
Tipologia esame
Scritto ed orale
Tipologia unità didattica
Insegnamento integrato
Behavioural decision theory (ECM0326)

Sommario insegnamento



Cancellazione iscritti ai corsi sulla piattaforma del Dipartimento

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims to introduce the approach and methodology of behavioural decision theory, through the study of the most relevant contributions to the literature and the new research topics, with a particular interest in the theory of individual decision-making under risk and uncertainty, its normative and descriptive aspects. Moreover, the course also aims to introduce students to the methodology of experimental economics, considering some of its applications in various areas of decision theory by actively involving students in laboratory decision-making experiments. By reconsidering some of the assumptions regarding preferences, and rationality of the economic neoclassical agent - with the help of the experimental methodology - students will be given the theoretical elements necessary to interpret the behaviour of the economic agent in a richer decision environment.


The course aims to introduce the approach and methodology of behavioural decision theory, through the study of the most relevant contributions to the literature and the new research topics, with a particular interest in the theory of individual decision-making under risk and uncertainty, its normative and descriptive aspects. Moreover, the course also aims to introduce students to the methodology of experimental economics, considering some of its applications in various areas of decision theory by actively involving students in laboratory decision-making experiments. By reconsidering some of the assumptions regarding preferences, and rationality of the economic neoclassical agent - with the help of the experimental methodology - students will be given the theoretical elements necessary to interpret the behaviour of the economic agent in a richer decision environment.



Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

At the end of the course, students should know the main areas of research in behavioural decision-making and the new theoretical and methodological instruments of this research area. They should be able to critically view how these new instruments have an impact on their knowledge concerning preferences, rationality and decision-making in different areas of economic theory

At the end of the course, students should know the main areas of research in behavioural decision-making and the new theoretical and methodological instruments of this research area. They should be able to critically view how these new instruments have an impact on their knowledge concerning preferences, rationality and decision-making in different areas of economic theory




Introduction: behavioural decision theory and the standard economic model. History and evolution. Methodology: experimental economics. Why we need it: advantages and costs, the methodological problem of validity

The model of instrumental rationality. Choice under risk and uncertainty. The EU Expected utility model, properties of the EU function. Subjective Expected Utility: the Ellsberg paradox. The attitudes to risk; the certainty equivalent and the risk premium. The main measures of risk aversion. The CARA and CRRA functions

Linearity in probabilities of EU and Independence. The Machina triangle. Violations of linearity: the Allais paradox and the common ratio effect. Separability

The main alternative models to EU. Prospect theory

Nonseparable preferences: emotions, regret. The Framing effect. Preference reversal: some possible explanations. The Endowment effect. Some economic applications of Prospect Theory

Introduction: behavioural decision theory and the standard economic model. History and evolution. Methodology: experimental economics. Why we need it: advantages and costs, the methodological problem of validity

The model of instrumental rationality. Choice under risk and uncertainty. The EU Expected utility model, properties of the EU function. Subjective Expected Utility: the Ellsberg paradox. The attitudes to risk; the certainty equivalent and the risk premium. The main measures of risk aversion. The CARA and CRRA functions

Linearity in probabilities of EU and Independence. The Machina triangle. Violations of linearity: the Allais paradox and the common ratio effect. Separability

The main alternative models to EU. Prospect theory

Nonseparable preferences: emotions, regret. The Framing effect. Preference reversal: some possible explanations. The Endowment effect. Some economic applications of Prospect Theory



Modalità di insegnamento

The course will be delivered face-to-face and include active learning sessions with participation in laboratory experiments and presentations


The course will be delivered face-to-face and include active learning sessions with participation in laboratory experiments and presentations



Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

The evaluation will consist of a final written test and a joint oral presentation to be given during the course. Details about the final exam structure will be given during the course


The evaluation will consist of a final written test and a joint oral presentation to be given during the course. Details about the final exam structure will be given during the course



Attività di supporto

There will not be any particular support activities apart from the ones which can be accessed through the course Moodle page

There will not be any particular support activities apart from the ones which can be accessed through the course Moodle page


Testi consigliati e bibliografia


All teaching material will be distributed during the course and made available on the Moodle page of the course

All teaching material will be distributed during the course and made available on the Moodle page of the course


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    Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/04/2024 09:20
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