Gianluca Orsatti
Ricercatore/Ricercatrice a tempo determinato di tipo B
- Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
- PhD Programme in Innovation for the Circular Economy
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
1. "Non-Practicing Entities in Europe: an Empirical Analysis of Patent Acquisitions at the European Patent Office",
(w/ V. Sterzi, C. Maronero and A. Vezzulli),
Industrial and Corporate Change (2024)
2. "Patent Assertion Entities and Follow-on Innovation. Evidence from Patent Acquisitions at the USPTO",
(w/ V. Sterzi),
Industry and Innovation (2023)
3. "Government R&D and green technology spillovers: The Chernobyl disaster as a natural experiment",
The Journal of Technology Transfer (2023)
4. "Green technological diversification and local recombinant capabilities: The role of technological novelty and academic inventors",
(w/ F. Quatraro and A. Scandura),
Regional Studies (2023)
6. "The knowledge-intensive direction of technological change",
(w/ C. Antonelli and G. Pialli),
Eurasian Business Review (2023).
6. "The effects of the limited exhaustibility of knowledge on firm size and the direction of technological change",
(w/ C. Antonelli and G. Pialli),
The Journal of Technology Transfer (2022).
7. "Technological novelty and key enabling technologies: Evidence from European regions",
(w/ S. Montresor and F. Quatraro),
Economics of Innovation and New Technology (2022)
8. "Skill endowment, routinisation and digital technologies: Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas",
(w/ D. Consoli, F. Fusillo and F. Quatraro),
Industry and Innovation (2021)
Selected for the Industry and Innovation 30th Anniversary Collection (collection of 30 impactful research articles published in the journal across its different Editorships to date)
9. "Public Procurement, Local Labor Markets and Green Technological Change: Evidence from US Commuting Zones",
(with Perruchas, F., Consoli, D. and Quatraro, F.),
Environmental and Resource Economics (2020).
10. "The antecedents of green technologies: The role of team-level recombinant capabilities",
(with M. Pezzoni and F. Quatraro),
Research Policy (2020).
11. "Local knowledge composition and the emergence of entrepreneurial activities across industries: Evidence from Italian NUTS-3 regions",
(with A. Colombelli and F. Quatraro),
Small Business Economics (2019).
12. "Regional differences in the generation of green technologies: the role of local recombinant capabilities and academic inventors", (w/ F. Quatraro and A. Scandura), In Rethinking Clusters. Place-based Value Creation in Sustainability Transitions. S. R. Sedita and S. Blasi (Eds.). Springer International Publishing (2021).
ISBN-13: 978-3-030-61922-0
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61923-7.
13. "Competenze, de-routinizzazione e tecnologie digitali: un'analisi empirica delle aree metropolitane degli Stati Uniti", (w/ D. Consoli, F. Fusillo and F. Quatraro), In Oltre le crisi. Rinnovamento, riscostruzione e sviluppo dei territori. M. G. Brandano, A. Faggian and G. Urso (Eds.). FrancoAngeli (2020).
ISBN-13: 9788835104544
14. "Entrepreneurship, technological knowledge and industrial heterogeneity: evidence from Italian NUTS 3 regions", (with A. Colombelli and F. Quatraro), In Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. F. Therin, F. P. Appio, H. Yoon (Eds.). Edward Elgar. (2019).
15. "Policy Inducement Effects in Energy Efficiency Technologies: An Empirical Analysis of the Residential Sector", (with V. Costantini, F. Crespi and A. Palma), in Green Energy and Efficiency: An Economic Perspective. A. Ansuategi, J. Delgado, I. Galarraga (Eds.). Springer. (2015).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03632-8_9
ONGOING and WPs (not published)
16. "Out of equilibrium and intangible assets",
(w/ C. Antonelli and G. Pialli),
(Under review)
17. "Corporations as platforms and equity knowledge outsourcing: The new division of inventive labor",
(w/ C. Antonelli and G. Pialli),
(Under review)
18. "The capital saving, knowledge and skilled intensive direction of technological change in Europe",
(w/ C. Antonelli and G. Pialli)
(Under review)
19. "The paradox of the productivity slowdown in the knowledge economy",
(w/ C. Antonelli and G. Pialli),
(Under review)
20. "FDI, recombinant novelty and green diversification in US Metropolitan Areas",
(w/ E. Bergamini, F. Fusillo, F. Quatraro and A. Scandura),
(Under review)
21. "Public Green Demand and Green Innovation: Evidence from US Firms"
(w/ F. Fusillo and A. Scandura)
(Under review)
22. "Labor market frictions and intangible capital intensity",
(w/ G. Pialli)
(Preparing for submission)
23. "Productivity paradox and intellectual property products capital",
(w/ G. Pialli)
(Preparing for submission)
24. "Exposure to critical raw materials and innovation strategies in US Metropolitan Areas"
(w/ F. Fusillo, M. Manera, F. Quatraro and A. Scandura)
(Preparing for submission)
25. "Local labor market impacts of advanced manufacturing technologies: Evidence from European NUTS-3 regions". (w/ F. Quatraro). LEI&BRICK Working Paper 06/2020.
- Economics and Management of Innovation and Green Technologies
PhD Programme in Innovation for the Circular Economy - GLOBAL ECONOMY AND MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS (ECM0165)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società - Innovation and sustainable development (ECM0347)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Innovation labour market dynamics and inequalities (ECM0347C)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
Temi di ricerca
- Economics of Innovation
- Economics of Intangibles
- Green Innovation
- Digital Innovation
- Employment, Skills and Innovation
- Economics of Patents
- Market for Technology
Gruppi di ricerca
Progetti di ricerca
Ricevimento studenti
su appuntamento da prendere via mailMembro della commissione Terza Missione (Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica Cognetti de Martiis)